Thanks & Raves

Many of the wonderful people who have our kittens and cats keep in touch over the years and send us updates. We share some here. Accompanying photos, and additional clients expressing appreciation coming soon!


F4C Zeuss & F4C Zoey

Ahhhhhhhhh Zoey is adorable. She will be loved beyond belief just like our Prince and Tigra. So we’ll have a Prince, Yigra, Zeuss and Zoey. I wonder if the IRS will let us claim them as tax deductions, after all, they are our kids.
You breed the cutest darn cats! B.D. & D.D.
The best breeders:-) we have 2 of their beautiful kitties, Zoey and Zeuss. There are only few professionals out there and Jua Ini Savannah’s are one. Thank you we love our babies… B.D. & D.D.
Your cats are amazing. We love our two new additions to our Family. The more I look at Zeuss I swear he would make an amazing show cat if we were into that. He has very long legs and looks that he will be a large cat like Prince. Zoey is soooo precious too, even though she is our mischief maker. Lol. I swear Zeuss was an F1 in a previous life. B.D. & D.D.
Our babies we got here are 8 months old now, and beautiful as ever, so loving…
B.D. & D.D.

F3B Djinn

Djinn (Djinny) 2-09
We love him!!
He meowed down the hill to the main road, then he rearranged the carrier so the pee-pad was on top of him and then he fell asleep ALL the way home. At home he investigated the master bedroom and bath and greeted everyone who came into the room to visit him. He LOVES my Tibetan mukluks. He’s been charming. You should be SOOOO proud of him. What a great ambassador of Savannahs! He used the litter box but has not wanted any food yet. He is even more gorgeous away from the other kitties. He is an absolutely fabulous cat. Thank you.

As I was writing you last night (in bed) he ran across my laptop and somehow changed the font!

He slept right beside me all night. He likes to rub his cheeks/lips across my hands. Then he purrs. He woke up around dawn this morning and chewed on my hand a bit. He used his litter box He had a few bites of raw chicken gizzard and some slightly warmed goat milk poured over his baby cat food. He seems uninterested in the Wellness. We couldn’t leave him upstairs because he likes to stay with us. So, he came downstairs and explored the living room and scared the pants off Darwin the cockatiel (please cover me again, I think this is a bad dream!). He made visual contact with Ari (Lhasa Apso) through the glass patio door. Hiss and bark.
Right now he is playing with Mr. Squid under a living room chair. He likes us around for security and seems to enjoy running across the room straight into my forehead.

He is absolutely charming and fabulous!

Ari didn’t bark (really) but gave a “woof” approximately every 8 seconds for most of the night. 8 seconds. I counted. It will be nice when we can all sleep together.

More later….Just wanted you to know he is even more beautiful and special than I expected. And very well behaved.

Getting to know you… Getting to know all about you… 

Djinn is his name…..but he is precious, is he not? Win win all around for all of us. Thanks.

Ok, now 11am. He took a nap. He nibbled a little at the baby cat goat milk stuff, yeah, yeah, yeah, used litter box successfullyagain….chewed feathers off expensive feather wand….everything kind of ho humming along until the raw CHICKEN BREAST made an appearance!! He ate like an 11 pound Lhasa!!! Snarly eating noises, meowing for more…ahhhhhh the way to his heart (like all growing boys).

In sunshine after big meal.
Life is good.

He slept under a corner of the bedspread last night. Woke up and had a raw chicken leg for breakfastII sliced most the meat off the bone, but left some one if he cared to tackle it, he didn’t). Later necks and liver will be served. I’ll give him the leg bone again to see if he wants to attempt the ends at least. He didn’t seem interested in goat milk, water or baby cat food this morning tho I left some out for him in case he changes his mind. He seemed to be asking for something after his chicken but I couldn’t figure out what. Using his litter boxes like a champ. He spent a long while exploring his cat tree last night and napped in the “house” half way up the tree. 

Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge. I really want to learn everything so I can do the best for him.

He is absolutely adorable. He’s behaving like such a well mannered young man. You should be proud.

We had a really fun play session today and he is very personable. I think he feels safe with me because he likes to come and wind around my arms and legs if I’m sitting on the floor and then darts off to investigate something new….but then darts back for assurance. Kind of like what the kids did when they were little. I’ve done some admirable sleight of hand keeping him and Ari out of sight and out of mind of each other. A+ in litter box usage. He is an absolute doll.

Thanks again,

All went well. He was VERY well behaved, even fell asleep between the Vet tech and the Vet visit. Everything looks good. I did as you suggested and refrigerated some poo and took it in. The fecal tests will come back tomorrow. They think he will be quite large and were impressed by his looks and temperament. Really, he is such a good ambassador for Savannahs. He was just a charmer.

Everything is going well. He gets bolder every day in his explorations. He prefers our bedroom and the living room which is good because that is where all his “stuff” is. It is a big house so familiarizing himself room by room is good. He enjoys the stairs. He’s very easygoing except when he visually locks on to Darwin the cockatiel, then he’s all business.

He’s doing very well. He loves to watch me scoop his litter boxes. Today he had to jump in each one as I progressed thru the house and add to what needed to be scooped! Lil’ imp. He lets me carry him around and accepts kisses. Although it must be scary to move to a new environment, I think he must feel secure we love him. He’s never left alone and always has a sitter.

I always love the pics of your girls. I wish……… time. For right now I love being with Djinn. He is a very handsome and respectable kitty. Good job with him!

Take Care,

I can toss his favorite toy for him but I know he’d love a good chase and jump and mock fight session. I have to be careful with my hands because he does like to grab and bite and kick, he’d just love something to ATTACK! He’s doing really well. It is great he likes to sit on the bathroom scale because I can see how much he weighs, it is not digital but it looks like he is over 6 pounds. Could it be he’s gained over a pound in just under two weeks? He does eat a lot.

I wish he’d sleep on the bed, but he likes to sleep under it. He’s determined bedtime is about 9:00 and just heads upstairs. He gets up around 7:00 when Larry goes to work and then I get up and give him breakfast. Then he plays, then sleeps, then we go on a leashed excursion into the back yard, then more eat and play and sleep. He seems to be awake more than when he first came home. He and Ari are doing fine. Surprisingly Ari ignores Djinn (I think she’s jealous and doesn’t know how to handle it). Djinn is the one more interested in making contact.

I’d write more but really, he’s just doing everything so well and fitting in so nicely that there’s not much to report. He likes me and trusts me so that is helping him a lot I think. He knows someone is here for him.

Still, I’m always open to your thoughts and suggestions so please feel free. Thanks so much for raising such a wonderful kitten.

Take Care,

He is great. He was lying across the back of my neck as I wrote the last email. He also investigated the wet shower this aft after I got out. He seems fascinated by water. Yes, he can be bitey, scratchy….it’s pretty easy to yell OUCH! He does draw back. Today he also spent his outside leash time on our deck. He almost caught a fly. He is much loved.

Me – “Hey, may I use some of your photos of Djinn on my website? ”

Any photo, any time, Djinn would be honored. Me too. Whatever you wish! I’m proud to be his mom. I’m happy with our dealings and I’m grateful you gave him to me for a good price. If we can be of use on your website, then great! No problem.

He is a very attractive Savannah. I think he’s looking more handsome every day, and that’s not just because I’m his mom.
He’s affectionate and he’s always close by. He’s a little fighty/bitey right now, but it is all in play. You can tell his mood by his expression and while one second I wouldn’t have my hand holding his toy, the next I can pet him from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail while he purrs. He’d just love to play chase with prey or another kitty his size, but we’re doing OK with toys and wands.

Thanks for everything,

I can toss his favorite toy for him but I know he’d love a good chase and jump and mock fight session. I have to be careful with my hands because he does like to grab and bite and kick, he’d just love something to ATTACK! He’s doing really well. It is great he likes to sit on the bathroom scale because I can see how much he weighs, it is not digital but it looks like he is over 6 pounds. Could it be he’s gained over a pound in just under two weeks? He does eat a lot.

I wish he’d sleep on the bed, but he likes to sleep under it. He’s determined bedtime is about 9:00 and just heads upstairs. He gets up around 7:00 when Larry goes to work and then I get up and give him breakfast. Then he plays, then sleeps, then we go on a leashed excursion into the back yard, then more eat and play and sleep. He seems to be awake more than when he first came home. He and Ari are doing fine. Surprisingly Ari ignores Djinn (I think she’s jealous and doesn’t know how to handle it). Djinn is the one more interested in making contact.

I’d write more but really, he’s just doing everything so well and fitting in so nicely that there’s not much to report. He likes me and trusts me so that is helping him a lot I think. He knows someone is here for him.

Still, I’m always open to your thoughts and suggestions so please feel free. Thanks so much for raising such a wonderful kitten.

Take Care,

Djinn went to his first guitar festival and competition on Saturday. We were going to be gone alllll day long and I just couldn’t leave him by himself…so, compact litter pan, food in ice chest, leash, harnesses and and water were all packed up. He immediately decided the carrier was NOT happening and so we let him out and he used the litter box behind the seat and then found a comfy spot by my feet (Larry was driving), then on my lap, then on the back seat. He slept most of the day in the car in the shade but the church where the competition was held had a side yard that he explored on his leash. This didn’t last long because the yard had LILIES which, of course, he was immediately attracted to and I just couldn’t steer him away. Ugh. (“Look at the fountain and the pretty flowers, Djinn”, but nope.) Anyway, we came home just at dark and he rode on my chest looking out the window at the light show of all the cars and signs going by. He had a good day. My youngest son won first place in his age division.

I need to take more pics, but just wanted you to know what Djinn is up to. Right now he’s laying on the back of the couch I’m sitting on…..trying to pull out my ponytail. He’s been a very good boy, he sticks very close to his new mom, and I like that. I also like to look through the yahoo Savannah group and see all the Savannah pics…and I have to admit (I’m such a mom) that little Djinn is one of the most handsome of all. L has nicknamed him Sugar Ray because of his well aimed punches and his big mitts.

Take Care and hugs to all siblings and furry friends there,

Djinn is just a doll. Love him so much. I’m so glad I just got one kitty because I’m enjoying building our relationship. He is very smart and I think may also be possessive. He and Ari are in a “separate but equal” standing. I don’t know how cats decide who is at “the top”, but I think Djinn is attempting to assert himself as top dog. He is just gorgeous. Just wanted to give you an update. Perhaps a short video is in the making. Djinn is quite the master at playing fetch.

Hope all is well with you,
C.P. and Djinn

Has it been a MONTH already! Seems like he just came home yesterday! I weighed him this morning….and he’s gained 4 1/2 pounds since he’s come home. He looks bigger, but that is almost double his weight and I don’t think he’s twice as big, or is he? Hard to say when I see him every day. And still, I must say, I often look at the Savannah pics online and he’s the best looking cat out there. Sorry guys.

One of the new Savannah owners from the list contacted me privately and wanted to know if we’ve given him a bath yet. Huh? We don’t have to, do we? He looks great, cleans himself after meals and smells, well, like nothing, so why would we bathe him? He’s fascinated by water but I don’t think he’s one of those that is going to jump in the bath with someone. He does like me to leave shower dripping ever so slightly so he can investigate after I’m done. And a flushing toilet….ah, magic!!

He’s a fabulous fetch player. He sleeps on our bed and on my lap. He still finds Ari a curiosity but is less aggressive towards her. He loves his morning on the deck in the sun (and shade) and is pretty good about waiting to have his harness put on. Gotta learn to NOT chase bees.

He’s a big kitty already, but still skinny…and very handsome.

Love him to bits,

He’s great. He sleeps on our bed. He greets people when they come over but isn’t a pest. He talks to me (usually means he wants a play session). He is either humoring me or likes being carried around. Whatever, he spends a good amount of time in my arms being told what a good boy he is. He still likes to jab at Ari (the nail trim has helped in Ari not getting hurt). He also spies her comfy spots and then steals them from her! Right now he’s stretched out flat as a pancake on a loveseat sound asleep after having 3 mice and then a plate of beef heart and then a plate of lamb neck, and it’s just past lunch time. He seems hungry today.

Btw, the vet’s scale seems in agreement with mine, he’s just under 9 lbs. He seems to be growing into his feet, but still very skinny. I like his young skinny look, such a little boy. Anyway, not much to say when everything is going well. He’s a great cat and very personable. Love him lots.

Glad you got KissyFit back. It terrifies me to think of ever losing Djinn.

Take Care,

Glad you like the pics. Of course Mr. Handsome is very photogenic outdoors….and I’m thrilled my iPhone captures some of his contemplative moments. I need to get something better going for some action shots.

Love him more every day.

Take Care,

I love this pic, taken this morning. Djinn loves mornings on the deck. I read email while he digests his mice and watches birds. He’s in a deck chair on his fav cheetah print blankey. He looks like he’s about to place an order…….”Waiter, I’ll have a Venti, hold the java.” Handsome guy, yeah?

Yes, I think Djinn looks fabulous. He has nice muscles. When his claws grow out a bit and he’s hanging from his cat tree like a chimpanzee again I’m hoping to get some video…….really pretty crazy. He thinks he’s very jungly. I wouldn’t be surprised if he developed a Tarzan yell. He also chatters with excitement now the birds have discovered his birdfeeder, just a foot or so on the other side of the window from his cat tree…really live TV.

Love to all your little spots,

Djinn always makes me laugh…..the stairs to our second floor go one flight up to a landing and then go up the next flight in the opposite direction…..he flies down the first flight, ricochets off the wall and then flies down the second flight legs EVERYWHERE. It looks like a game of pick up sticks or like someone just tossed a few chopsticks down the stairs. I have no idea how me makes it, he seems totally out of control. Another video idea. This skinny body on stilts is hilarious.

Love to your new babies,
C.P. and Djinn

Out on our walk today Djinn spies our neighbor’s flag waving in the breeze.

Handsome little cutie, huh?

Djinn is doing very well. He loves his mornings on the deck and later down in the yard. He’s very good on his leash. He was very sociable to Sarah when she was here, even helped her unpack and repack. He must want to travel. He likes mice for breakfast and chicks for an afternoon snack, some other kind of meat for lunch and eve snack. He’ll munch on kibble once in a while. He’s over 10 lbs. He’s not a lap cat like my daughter’s tabby but he will lay NEXT to me on the couch. He and Ari are spending more time together on my bed, they tolerate each other. Djinn got into the room where Darwin the cockatiel lives, he tried to put his paws through the cage but they were too big. Little Darwin was very manly this time and stood his ground on his perch and hissed at Djinn. Djinn had never seen such bad manners.

No worries about Djinn. He’s living the good life and I love him lots. He’s a big kitty now, but still a little boy.

Hugs to all of yours,

Yes, I think Djinn looks fabulous. He has nice muscles. When his claws grow out a bit and he’s hanging from his cat tree like a chimpanzee again I’m hoping to get some video…….really pretty crazy. He thinks he’s very jungly. I wouldn’t be surprised if he developed a Tarzan yell. He also chatters with excitement now the birds have discovered his birdfeeder, just a foot or so on the other side of the window from his cat tree…really live TV.

Love to all your little spots,

Everyone gets a kick out of the way he talks to me and I can even get him to meow into the phone. He sleeps on my bed and follows me EVERYWHERE.

He gives superb head butts and purrs when I carry him around. He is getting big. I’m trying to get his shoulder height but he enjoys foiling my attempts too much. I think I’m just going to have him walk by a yardstick (is that how you measure them or is it the same height when they are sitting?). Anyway, I know he’s 12 pounds plus and he must be on a growth spurt because he’s eating a tremendous amount (more than me!). He’s back to liking mice in the afternoon and I’m out of chicks so I need to place an order. Still a skinny boy, but looks appropriate….athletic and wild. Very soft fur.

Djinn has higher back hips and lower shoulders. He’s very much a tall, skinny, slinker. Very exotic looking really. His sisters seem a little more compact. Djinn is very looooooooong.

I feel very lucky to have Djinn. I think he is one of the best looking cats I’ve seen and as his personality continues to emerge he becomes more and more endearing. I wouldn’t brag like this to anyone else but you, his first human mom.

Hope all is well with you and yours.

Hugs to all,

C.P. and Djinn

I thought I’d send you a pic I posted that everyone seems to like. The little devil has now hit 18lbs on the scale! I’m still interested in a playmate for him but I think he needs someone his size, or almost his size. I admit I don’t know much about cats and maybe a cat the size of our dog (12 lbs) could handle him, but he’s such a big guy and my instinct and his personality tells me otherwise. He’s stopped biting me in the morning, YAY! I guess it took me a while to realize that he doesn’t get me up to feed him (like the dog) but he’s just looking for someone to play with. GET OUT OF BED!


Went to the Pasadena cat show today to see some other Savannahs. It is the first time I’ve seen Savannahs other than Djinn since I got him. I entertain the idea of getting Djinn a friend frequently and wanted to see what some other Savannahs looked like with this in mind also. Well……..between you and me……..Djinn is still the hands down most awesome cat. I know an F5 or 6 or so might cost less, but they are so much smaller. I’m afraid Djinn would have them for lunch. He’d run these cats over!!! Like bowling. Like the Lhasa tipping that he already practices!. He just seems such a large and vigorous cat compared to the delicate cats I saw today.
I just wanted you to know that Djinn reigns as the best SV. I wish I had him with me today to share him (ok, show him off).

He just finished a pile of quail from Rodentpro. Yum.

Gotta Run,

Back from vacation! Had a great time. Djinn GREW while I was gone. His pic is on the list in one of A’s walking jackets. He will be a model on ebay and on her site also. Handsome guy he is. Anyway, he is 16.25 lbs now! He eats like a horse and purrs like a motorboat. He’s too big for his cat tree and still (ugh!) loves to ambush the dog. He doesn’t hurt her though, just hunts and pounces on her. I get wonderful headbutts, but he is very impatient in getting me out of bed in the morning and often draws blood (mine) in the attempt to get me UP!! Noooooooo Djinnnn!

Hope all is well with you. I love my Djinn and will always be grateful to you for allowing me to have him.

Take Care,

Back at home now after a few days up the CA coast! I’m pleased to report Djinn had a great time and showed PERFECT behavior. Hehehe, I’m tickled. He was a great ambassador for travelling cats. I was filled with trepidation before the trip thinking the strangeness of travel circumstances might have a disasterous result but glad now I gave Djinn the chance to come along. He got an A in car riding, litter box using in strange and unusual places, leash walking and adapting to new situations. He saw sea lions, seals, deer, zebras (at Hearst Castle) and various dogs (including a stare down with a huge poodle)…all very exciting. What we found out about him is that he prefers forest trails and B&B garden settings to open and bright beaches. I’m just so proud of him. Such a trooper. What was unexpected was the attention he drew! “What IS that?” At the lodge he immediately adopted a comfy chair and the fireplace hearth, his home away from home. We did bring a large crate for when we left him alone in the room for our meals. He’s definitely welcome to come again. It was a joy to see him exploring.

And of course he had to pay homage to the King of Pop……at the gates of Neverland Ranch.

Thanks a bunch. Djinn is fab. Love him lots.


F4B Jax & F4C Maya

Here is Jax- sleeping on top of Maya on my lap:) I just love my kitties!! M.C.

I thought you might like to see this pic of Maya…she is almost 2 now. She loves sleeping under the table lights where it is warm and cozy. She is such a friendly and lovable kitty M.C.



F2 Genghis & F3B Tiberius


Tiberius is doing fine.  We decided to just drive straight through, so Davis and Tiberius went to sleep in the cage at about 9, and we got home at 2:30.  He spent the rest of the night sleeping on Davis’ feet in his room.  He got up hungry and ate a mouse and some chicken, immediately figured out how to open Davis’ door (which was closed but not latched), checked out the rest of house and then went back into Davis’ room to nap.  He and Tonka are sleeping on Davis’ bed, but on separate sides.  I’ll send you some pictures soon, but today I am trying to catch up on the rest of our chores. C.R.


Tiberius has adjusted really well.  He follows me around the house, migrating into whatever room I am in, and if I am in the kitchen, he tells me in no uncertain terms that he would like to eat. If I am not home, he follows Davis around. He speaks constantly, especially when I am petting him.  He sleeps next to my Tonkinese on my bed at night (or sometimes, on Davis’ feet), but generally seems to prefer our company to Tonka’s.  He spends the evening in the living room (with us) but sleeping on the dog bed – the dog (160 pound Great Dane) waits for him to get up before laying down.  Hopefully, they’ll eventually learn to share.

He’s a great cat, and has integrated himself into our lives with real ease. C.R.


Just a little update.

Tiberius has discovered the shower and loves to go in there after we have had our morning shower.  He follows me around the house all day long, just hanging out in whatever room I’m in but does NOT like to be confined in any way.  He talks to Davis and I constantly especially when cuddling.

He’s been really well trained and never gets on tables or counters.  He loves my other cats and naps/plays with them but sometimes gets a little rough so when they cry or growl, he runs away and looks embarassed and then sits next to me.

As to the duck breasts, Tiberius has decided that he no longer wants them, so the Havoc (my Great Dane) is very grateful.

What is the best procedure to get him to allow me to clip his claws?? C.R.


He looks so small in the picture, he is so BIG is real life.  He is doing great, he is very vocal and while he doesn’t like to be carried, he loves to sit on my lap when I’m on the computer.  I’ll send you some more pictures soon. C.R.


This is Tiberius with his cat pool.  My family and my neighbors think I’m nuts to have a pool in my living room, but it keeps Tiberius from playing in the toilet!

He is truly gorgeous, and a great company – follows me around the house and tries to be involved in everything I do.

Hope you are well – Have some videos, am going to try to send those next. C.R.


To my shock and amazement, Tiberius has wormed his way into the heart of my husband who says he is the smartest, most engaging and most well socialized cat we’ve ever had.  Normally, Doug would not even consider letting me get a fourth cat, but due to his attachment to Tiberius and the seriously declining health of my other two remaining cats, I might well have an argument.

I really prefer male cats (and female dogs), so send me pictures of all the males you have available (kittens or young adults and the F2) and I’ll make a serious effort to get Doug to agree to take on another.

I have to tell you this – Since my other two cats really aren’t up to playing with Tiberius, Tiberius has decided to become a dog.  He, along with Havoc, greet ALL of us when we walk in the front door at the end of the day and he separately visits all four of us in the morning.  He sleeps on the dogbed instead of the couch or bed and stands at the screendoor yelling at me if Havoc wants to come in and I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Then, he jumps up onto the counter, flips off the lid off the dogtreat bucket with his right claw, removes a jerky treat and then drops down to the floor, walks it over to the living room carpet (where Havoc sleeps now generally because Tiberius is always on the dogbed) and drops it off for the dog, who snaps it up as soon as Tiberius walks away.  It is histerical!!

Send me some pictures and I’l make my best effort — I’d love a buddy for Tiberius.

Cheers! C.R.


Genghis enjoying his gingerbread house.  He loves it so much we never put it away after Christmas. C.R.


Just wanted to let you know I am having SOO much fun with my kittens.  They are incredibly intelligent (i.e, easy to train), affectionate and engaged in everything we do.  Genghis now recognizes the sound of my car and greets me at the door.  He and Tiberius and inseparatible, just spending their days together sleeping or playing.
Tiberius has become a lap cat, asserting himself on my lap when I watch TV or when I’m on the computer.  While I am certainly NOT a small lap, he has gotten so big that I have to hold him up on one side.

Tiberius sleeps on my side of the bed at night, and Genghis on Doug’s.  Genghis LOVES to sleep on the boys’ dirty basketball or lacrosse clothes when they’ve been dropped on the floor – still haven’t figured that out yet.

They have gotten out, but I’ve trained them that if they come when called, they get a treat, so now Genghis, if he can, slips out the front door and then runs to the back door to be let in and given a treat.  One day earlier this week he did it in a hail storm and it was hysterical!

They get into everything in the kitchen, so we are very good about putting food away now.  Tiberius has very fat, so I’ve had to hide the hard food in Doug’s office (remember he is home all day) so that Doug can monitor when he eats – otherwise Doug say he eats all day and he thinks it’s because he’s bored.

They are still exactly the same size, although, again Tiberius is fat so we are limiting his dry food intake.  They still get raw chicken in the mornings and the evenings.  Genghis is very white with blue eyes and Tiberius is darker with golden eyes.

If you can, could you tell me their relationship to each other ?  I’ve forgotten.

I will try to send pictures again soon. C.R.

To correspond, ask questions, and tell us about what you are looking for, please contact us.

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